• Hypocrisy Abounds in LDS support for Trump

      I feel like we are nearing the apex of 2020—with both our nationwide and statewide covid record setting, and Election Day coming in less than a week.  My stress levels grow each day. Throughout the year, I’ve had to take mental health breaks from the news, Facebook, and the world in general. More than once, I have questioned myself why I even care so much. Why don’t I just develop a strong apathy to make life less agonizing? The answer to why I care so much is simply because I am part of this world, and so are those…

  • Bigotry at BYU and Beyond

    Race relations at BYU A microcosm of a culture-wide issue Recently, as part of Black History Month, a panel entitled “The Black Immigrant Experience” was held at BYU. Just like it sounds, students discussed their experiences regarding…

  • bishop interview

    Report of abuse by bishops

    Should it be different when the perpetrator confesses? Is this actually a question? A man has sexual interactions with an underage girl, then confesses to his bishop. He thinks this confession is confidential. However, he just admitted…

  • feeling trapped, fear of leaving the LDS church

    Fear in Leaving the LDS Church

    *Disclaimer: It is not my intent to recruit people to resign from the church. Rather, this is is meant for those that have already decided the church is not for them, they don’t believe, etc. but have…

  • me the ex-Mormon

    My Pathway to Leaving the LDS Church

    My story Utah County beginnings I was raised in Orem, UT, which is about as homogenous a place you can get. Everyone in my high school had to have been white, blue eyed, and Mormon. Being half-Chinese,…